Play “Tragos Amargos” with the Key of C (Do)

By DonaldMoon

Play Tragos Amargos with the Key of C (Do). Learn how to play on GCF

  • Tragos Amargos – C / GCF (Do / Tono de Sol)
  • Tragos Amargos is a game that you can play using a GCF button accordion. For easier learning, this video is shown at a slower pace than usual.
  • Aprenda a tocar Tragos Amargos en el tono de Do en un acordeon de Sol. Este video esta hecho a tiempo despacio para que aprenda mas facil.

This video contains helpful notes for beginners

1) Song Key

This song was originally played on tragos amargos an F (Fa), accordion in the key C (Do). You can also play the song in C (Do) with a G (Sol?) accordion. To get the same notes, however, you will need to use different buttons. C, D E, F, A, B and F are the 7 notes of the C major scale.

2) Grace notes

Grace notes are not within the C major scale. Eb (Mibemol) and F#(Fa sostenido), are used as grace notes. The very first note is an Eb, which is Mi bemol on the push (bellow going inside). At :18, F# is used between G+B & F+A as a passing note. At approximately :25 seconds Eb is used to slide into E+G, and then as a passing message between E+G & D+F. Finally, at :35 seconds, you will see Eb again as a grace note on the push.

3) Rhythm

This song’s rhythm is 3/4 (or 3). This can be fermi paradox tab counted as 1, 2, 3, ,1,2,3 etc. The count of 1 represents the downbeat. The upbeats are 2 and 3. The 1 is the bass note, while the 2 and 3 are played on the bajo sexto (or guitar or bajo quinto). A full band will have the kick drum at the count 1 and the snare at the counts 2 and 3. These are the essentials.

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4) Subdivisions

You may play a series notes in quick succession at certain points. These are known as subdivisions, because they allow you to divide up the usual count of 1, 2, 3, into smaller parts. You are not actually playing faster 4chan pol notes, but you are simply playing beats between the 1, 2, and 3 counts. This is evident in the first 7 seconds of the video, where triplets are played.

5) Tempo

Don’t be concerned about how fast your practice goes. Even if you start with a slow pace, it is important to play at an even tempo. This is important because the song sounds the way it should sound when the rhythm and melody are combined.