Computer transparent: displays

By DonaldMoon

Computer transparent displays – The future is now

Computer Transparent screens are any electronic screen that can display information on a Computer Transparent surface, which allows you to see through.
This is not a new technology. Computer Transparent technology is a relatively new technology, but it has been used since the mid-20th Century.

This article will focus on four types of Computer Transparent tech. These include LCDs, OLEDs and projection heads-up displays (HUDs), as well as Computer Transparent electroluminescent display (TASSEL). We will discuss the pros and cons of each type and explain how Computer Transparent technology is an integral part of our personal and professional lives. This blog post includes a video explanation by Jose Rosa.

Computer Transparent typical projection head-up displays (HUDs)

We start with HUDs, the oldest of our four featured glass computer tables displays. This is a typical projection head up display. They use a projection system that projects images onto a piece glass in front of the user. A typical HUD has three main components: a projector and a combiner.

Computer Transparent projection HUDs are composed of a piece made of flat glass that projects images in front the pilot. This allows the pilot’s head to stay up, thereby avoiding distractions such as looking at the control panel.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of typical head-up displays that use a projection system to project information?


  • Drivers can see vital information in their field of vision, which helps them to stay focused while driving.
  • They don’t have to shift their focus between the cockpit and the information.


  • Limited viewing angles
  • Complex setups can occupy space and prove costly.
  • For decades, this technology has been a standard for fighter pilots. It helps pilots concentrate on their job and gives them vital information. However, there are also limitations.

LCD monitors

LCDs are Computer Transparent displays, but at first glance they don’t look like that. With the addition of a reflector shield and a backlight, we are able to see information on our monitors (e.g laptops) but not the actual LCDs.

These are the only things that make the LCD display transparent. This is what Samsung achieved in 2012 when they produced the Samsung Computer Transparent Smart Window.

Let’s take a look at the pros and con of LCD displays.


  • Backlit LEDs are a better choice than traditional bulbs for a better picture
  • Plasma screen displays offer extraordinary richness and depth in colour contrast to other plasma screens
  • Multifunctionality with TV screens that double as PC monitors
  • Produces are cheaper
  • Energy-efficient plasma and older bulbs are 20-30% better than their counterparts.


  • It is a disconcerting reproduction of black images
  • Limitation in brightness due to liquid crystal filter that absorbs light
  • Limited viewing angle
  • Screen lag and blurred vision can be a problem